Thursday, May 21, 2009


Mkay, so about 3 weeks ago I got back from Nepal I have some stories and some pictures to share.  MUAHAHA!!!

So it took 2 days to get to Nepal from SF  airport.  One 12 hour flight to Japan, 4 hour layover where we took showers (because the Narita Airtport is AWESOME), 6 hour flight to Bangkok, stayed the night in Bangkok, 2-3 hour flight to Kathmandu, Nepal.  ALL RIGHT.  Once we got to Kathmandu, we went to the house of Olga Murray the woman who created the Nepalese Youth Opportunity Foundation (NYOF) that helps kids in Nepal.  We stayed with her and she showed us the NYOF orphanage and nutritional rehab center for malnourished kids.  Here are some pictures!
(eating Japanese food in Japan, LOL)

We went with Elizabeth, a friend of Lori's and the woman who introduced us to NYOF.  She brought her son Sam along as well.

(oh, those silly Japanese kids...)
(Nicole, Sam, and me with some of the orphans)
(Olga Murray and the kids in the nutritional rehab center)

So before leaving for Nepal, Nicole and I collected a whole bunch of kid's clothing and toys to bring to Olga.  My school donated a TON of beanie babies and I got to give them to the kids at the nutritional home.  They had never had any toys before so they were scared of them!  It was so cute!!  In the rehab center, they bring malnourished kids in with their mothers so they can teach the mothers how to feed their kids healthy meals with what they have, and then those women go back to their villages and teach the other women there.  Cool, huh?

(a store in Kathmandu, ENGRISH)

(some cows in Pokhara)

After 2 days in Kathmandu, we all went to the mountains for a four day trek.  Oh yeah.  Hot sun, high altitude, steep pathways, it was INTENSE.  There was one day when we hiked uphill in the blazing sun for 5 hours.  Straight.  Hell yeah.

(some women hiking in flip-flops, the porters carrying our bags, and a donkey)
(innit pretty?)

And that's the story of my trip to Nepal.  YAY!! (=^.^=)v

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