Thursday, May 21, 2009


So I went to Ashland, Oregon about two months ago (sometime in March) for the Shakespeare festival because my school is amazing. See, every year there's this week called Spring Discovery. Everyone is supposed to go off and discover something. The freshies stay in Marin and do stuff like go to farms and play with dirt and learn how to defend themselves. It's actually really fun! Sophomores go to Catalina Island nearish to LA . Juniors and Seniors get to choose what they do, and I chose to go to Ashland. Some people went to the border of Mexico to do service learning down there, but I chose the fun/carefree option.

It's a 7 hour car ride to get there. Yay. On the way down I watched Benny and Joon, an absolutely brilliant movie that you should see, and not just because Johnny Depp (sp?) is amazing hot, but because he's an amazing actor too.

We drove in on Monday, had dinner, and talked ourselves silly in our hotel rooms. Tuesday we saw The Music Man, a fun play that opens with a fast-paced talked-out song that just makes you bounce in your seat with joy. Wednesday we saw Death and the King's Horseman, an intense play about the Yoruban king's horseman who doesn't fulfill his duty and suffers immense shame in the face of his people. Thursday we saw Macbeth, which was EPIC AND BAD-A**. And yes, Macbeth was the only Shakespeare play that we saw during the Shakespear festival. I'm not sure what the thinking was behind that...

Well, if you ever get the chance, go to Ashland. It has good restaurants and funky little shops, and if you look in the right places you can find good deals in the consignment stores. Don't be afraid of used clothing, they have character that can be erased with a good wash. Do be sure to go with friends, so you have someone to share chocolate with, since there's this chocolate store that's AMAZING, and I think there's an actual chocolate factory that you can tour. My friends went and the factory people gave them free chocolate and lavender flavored chapstick.

So yes, go to Ashland and revel in their Shakespeare-rich culture and the amazing food. Go off and be merry!!

PS: Some pictures below...
(Yes, that is the airport in the town of Weed)
(some flags in Ashland)
(My friends Emily, Maria and Ariel in the hotel)


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