Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Those Crazy Chinese People...

So yesterday I came back from Nepal (I left Tuesday morning from Bangkok and then arrived at SF airport Tuesday morning... Time on this planet confuses me) and mother-dearest took me and my sister out for lunch. We went to Chrysanthemum in San Anselmo (don't know where it is exactly, but methinks it's on Sir Francis Drake Blvd), my favorite Chinese restaurant. I go so often with my dad that the family that owns the place kinda knows us pretty personally...

ANYHOO, as most Chinese restaurants do, they gave us fortune cookies after our meal. Mine was something like "Big changes await you," but my sister's cookie was empty. EMPTY. I always thought it was supposed to be a bad omen or something, like "YOU DID NOT GET FORTUNE THEREFORE YOU WILL DIE IN SEVEN DAYS" type thing.

So I asked the waitress, "What does it mean when your cookie is empty?"

She replies: "Oh, it doesn't mean anything. Fortune cookies are just for fun."


I feel disillusioned. Betrayed. Like all my hopes have been crushed... My faith in the world is gone.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Family Fun... In Nepal

Howdy folks (folks being about three people who actually read this. OH WELL). I'm in Nepal right now and it is very hot right now (muy caliente). It's 8:30 pm here, but it's like 8:30 am yesterday in America. I AM SENDING YOU A MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE!!!

Omg. Mind boggling, ain't it? Because I'm Texan.

Anyhoo, pictures and stories to come once I get home, since my sister wants to go to bed now and she's making fun of my blogger-osity. I hope to see my amigos soon! If I don't die.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

ouch groan WAFFLES!

I just came back from Strobe. It's a dance put on by these people with pretty lights and they have DJs from ENERGY 92.7 come and play techno music and shtuff. It was amazing. Four whole hours of solid dance, 8pm to 12am dude.

I heard about Strobe 3 Strobes ago (this was the fifth Strobe) but I could never go for random and evil reasons, but this time I went!! So my life is complete for now.

Things I gained: a dance with 9 different boys (at least 3 of them were creepers though), a bead from some random girl's bracelet that got caught on my shirt, several glowsticks that got stolen or lost somehow, and then one of the boys I danced with called me the best dancer there that night! In case that boy happens to be reading this (unlikely), THANK YOU!! Now I know I don't look like a flailing chicken when I dance, because I was never sure...

The theme for the dance was wardrobe malfunction, so naturally there were a bunch of girls wearing underwear-like, shiny spandex with fishnets. Thank you, so much. I really wanted to see that. At least it was dark and there were plenty of distracting lights (^o^)v

In line, my sister met someone and they became best buddies at the dance so the new friend is at my house right now. On the way home she managed to convince my mom to go to Safeway to buy toaster strudel and chocolate-chip waffles, so I had waffles. WOOT WOOT!!

So I'm going to bed now. I feel kinda like a loser for blogging right after a dance, but oh well. Now you know I do actually have a life... sometimes... <(o.O;)>

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3 Awesome Things (April)

Spring: (n) 1. The season of the year between winter and summer during which many plants bring forth leaves and flowers. It runs from March to May in the northern hemisphere, and from September to November in the southern hemisphere 2. A time of new growth and regeneration (1)

Spring is a happy time of year, mainly because my birthday is in spring, but also because everything is green and there are colorful flowers in the hills and people wear white and only weirdies wear black and it's all so colorful and happy! Some people get allergies, and that's not fun, but that's what allergy medicine is for!! WOOHOO!! Okay, here's some Vivaldi for you:


Sunshower: (n) An unusual meteorological phenomenon in which rain falls while the sun is shining. These conditions often lead to the appearance of a rainbow, if the sun is at a low enough angle. The nature of cumuluform clouds is such that the sun can often be seen while they are producing rain. If a sunshower occurs when the sun is low in the sky (specifically, any time the sun is at less than a 42° angle), a rainbow can occur. (3)

Sunshowers are often associated with weddings between different types of animals, from elves to foxes and bears. For some reason, in America sunshowers mean that the devil is beating his wife... (3) Pleasant thought, isn't it?

I also heard somewhere that if you walk out into a sunshower and you look at your reflection in a mirror, you can see your future. I haven't gotten around to trying that yet, but when I do I'll keep you posted.


Pencil: (n) A thin cylindrical instrument used for drawing or writing. It consists of a rod of graphite or some other erasable marking material inside a wooden or metal shaft. (1)

Pencils are amazing because they come in all different colors and you can do a lot with them (artistically speaking). I use them for drawing and writing, which is what they are mostly used for. I like mechanical pencils the best; you don't have to sharpen them, they aren't all icky and scratchy like regular pencils, and they come in all sorts of pretty colors!! Regular pencils are cool too...


(1) Definitions found at the MSN Encarta Dictionary
(2) Found on
(3) Found on Wikipedia
(4) Found on this website