Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Those Crazy Chinese People...

So yesterday I came back from Nepal (I left Tuesday morning from Bangkok and then arrived at SF airport Tuesday morning... Time on this planet confuses me) and mother-dearest took me and my sister out for lunch. We went to Chrysanthemum in San Anselmo (don't know where it is exactly, but methinks it's on Sir Francis Drake Blvd), my favorite Chinese restaurant. I go so often with my dad that the family that owns the place kinda knows us pretty personally...

ANYHOO, as most Chinese restaurants do, they gave us fortune cookies after our meal. Mine was something like "Big changes await you," but my sister's cookie was empty. EMPTY. I always thought it was supposed to be a bad omen or something, like "YOU DID NOT GET FORTUNE THEREFORE YOU WILL DIE IN SEVEN DAYS" type thing.

So I asked the waitress, "What does it mean when your cookie is empty?"

She replies: "Oh, it doesn't mean anything. Fortune cookies are just for fun."


I feel disillusioned. Betrayed. Like all my hopes have been crushed... My faith in the world is gone.


  1. Eh.. How do you think I felt when I realized I couldn't keep a Panda as a pet. And Chrysanthemum, in right next to da smoke shop, on the Miracle mile. (That little strip of land between San Rafael, and San Anselmo.)

  2. Yea, I put a another fat post on your wall. I guess you don't login to FB much eh? Well.. It'll tell you just how I found ya.
