Sunday, March 8, 2009

And so it begins...

Hello... you...

You are reading this, which means one of two things: you're bored (as in EXTREMELY bored), or you know me and are reading this out of loyalty (even though you might not want to...). Or perhaps you just want to because you can. Well, thank you for reading my first post. I have a few promises for you:

ONE: I will not be one of those girls who talks about herself in such a way that it's boring and kind of stupid. [disclaimer: this blog is obviously about me, so you'll have to deal with some of that, but this will NOT be a public diary. I do keep a diary, but no one is allowed to read that until I'm dead.] **

TWO: I will be positive at all times, mainly because college admissions, future employers, and other random people will be reading this. I always want to give a good impression! [Besides, pessimism gets on my nerves.]

THREE: This will be a blog of stories, advice, pictures, videos, and other random things that I hope you will find amusing enough to read. I can't guarantee that you'll understand it all, though...

FOUR: There is no four, but four lines can make a square or a parallelogram, and those are cool...

** Here's a good video you should watch:


  1. "TWO: I will be positive at all times, mainly because college admissions, future employers, and other random people will be reading this. I always want to give a good impression! [Besides, pessimism gets on my nerves.]"

    Can I tell you how INSANELY proud I am that you (a) realize this and (b) you publically wrote this? As someone who works with teens on a daily basis, there are so many that don't realize the digital footprint that you can leave and how it can follow you through life, with college admissions, employers, dates, etc.

    You've got a loyal follower here... not because I feel like I have to, but because I want to. :D

  2. Thanks!! That makes me feel really uber special since you're a pro at this. -insert happy dance here-

    o(^-^o)(o^-^)o o(^-^o)(o^-^)o
